. Maxillofacial Surgeon Pasadena | Cosmetic Surgery Center TX

Impact of an Impacted Tooth

An impacted wisdom tooth can trap food particles and debris. Bacteria feed on these food particles, which may cause infection of the surrounding tissue. This is called pericoronitis.

Pericoronitis may include any of the following symptoms: pain, swollen gum tissue in the area of the affected tooth, difficulty in biting or opening of the mouth, swelling of the cervical (neck) lymph nodes, foul smell or taste in the mouth, pus from the gum tissue near the tooth or swelling on the affected side of the face.

Patients with pericoronitis are given antibiotics to combat the infection. Additionally, warm saltwater rinses will help with healing. If treated, the infection should resolve within one week. Your dentist may advise you to have the impacted tooth removed. However, the offending tooth can only be removed once the infection is under control.


What Our Clients Say About Us

My name Is Judith O. I had the pleasure to meet Dr. Luis Craig when I was having problems with my vision, my skin wouldn’t allow me to open my eyes or see peripherally completely. My Optometrist suggested I should have “bleph". I was referred to Dr Craig, an excellent person and a great surgeon. He performed my surgery, with no complications, and in a week nobody could tell I had anything done. Not even my Optometrist. She was happy, like me, with the outcome. My vision improved 100%. Thank you Dr Craig. May God bless you and your hands.
Sincerely, Judith, O